Real Property Management of the Rockies

Main Street Inspiration?

Everyone who visits or lives in Fort Collins loves the downtown Fort Collins area, also known as Old Town.  When you talk to people about what makes them happy about Old Town, many refer to the shopping, some refer to the restaurants and others refer to the area breweries.  The area is active in the early morning hours and stays active until the late evening hours.  Over 1000 miles from Fort Collins, there is another place that also claims to spread happiness.

That place is called Disneyland.  For nearly 60 years, Disneyland has been a place that holds claim to the “Happiest Place on Earth”.  One of the main attractions at Disneyland is Main Street.  This is the first area you come through after you enter the park.  It is adorned with cute buildings and old school decorations.  Many of you are probably wondering what Main Street and Fort Collins have in common…

Well, based on a Los Angeles Times article, Fort Collins’ Old Town area was an inspiration to Disneyland’s Main Street.  The article, written by Katrina Woznicki, states, “If you’ve walked Disneyland’s Main Street, U.S.A., Fort Collins, Colo., might seem familiar: Its downtown served as one of the inspirations for the theme-park thoroughfare.” I found this information inspirational for downtown Fort Collins.  It was a fact that I will forever keep in my mind to share with others about our beautiful town.

I hope you find this information inspirational to you, too.  And, if you are in the Northern Colorado area and are in need of property management services, we hope to become your trusted partner.  Real Property Management of the Rockies would be honored to help you and your property.