Real Property Management of the Rockies

Hoses and Heaters

The start to fall in Northern Colorado has been one of the best I can remember.  The fall colors have been slow to turn and the wind has been minimal, keeping the leaves on the trees.  As we approach the end of October, Fort Collins has only had one or two nights where the mercury has dropped below freezing.  It looks like this may be coming to an end next week.

As a result, I wanted to remind all tenants living in Northern Colorado or other areas where freezing weather becomes an every night scenario, of an important responsibility.  As with most leases, tenants are required to take reasonable care of their leased property.  This may include a facet of items including preventing excess wear and tear, handling yard maintenance, etc.  Another item that is typically covered is reasonable care to prevent the home’s pipes from freezing.

We have had the unfortunate system of seeing the damage that can be done when reasonable care is not given to a home during the winter months.  The results of internal freezing pipes are not fun or inexpensive to repair.  So, be sure to remember two things this late fall and winter – remove all hoses from outdoor faucets and do not turn your heat off when you go on your winter vacation.  Water was never meant to meet the inside of the walls.

So, if you have a rental property with outdoor faucets, make sure you remove the hoses.  If you want to take extra precaution, you can buy outdoor faucet covers at your local home improvement store, which act as extra insulation over the faucets.  There is a part of the cover that attaches to the bib and then snugly fits over the faucet.  The insulation covers are typically less than $5 and give extra peace of mind.

Lastly, when you leave on that winter ski trip, don’t turn off the thermostat.  Many companies are now advising to not lower the thermostat below 60 degrees.  We have seen other companies go as low as 50 degrees.  As a tenant, you need to be mindful of when your property was built, if it has common walls, and what direction your windows face.  Once you have taken that into account, determine a safe setting for your thermostat.  Taking these steps will allow for an enjoyable cold season.

Real Property Management of the Rockies is a leader in property management in the Northern Colorado area.  If you need property management services, we would be honored to discuss your needs.  We serve Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Windsor, Johnstown, Berthoud, Timnath, Wellington and the rest of the surrounding area.