Real Property Management of the Rockies

Customer Service is King

Why is customer service so important to property management?  I believe most property management companies in Fort Collins, CO understand the necessity for providing good customer service to property owners.  As an owner, you should be able to contact your property management company during business hours, receive return calls, and timely email responses. After all, your property management company is caring for what might likely be your largest investment.  In addition to prompt communications, all notifications regarding any material events should be communicated to you quickly and efficiently.  This includes repairs notifications, lease expirations, lease renewals, etc.  We would all agree that Colorado property management companies should provide good service to their property owners.

What about tenants?  Should they receive the same level of service that the owners do?  It seems that tenants sometimes are not provided with adequate customer service.  All too often, calls are not returned in a timely manner and emails are sometimes ignored.  Unfortunately, providing inadequate customer service to your tenants is a large disservice to the property owners.  Why is this?  Vacancies are the arch enemy of any property owner.  As an owner of investment property myself, I have first-hand knowledge of this fact.  If your tenants are using a revolving door, this increases your vacancy rate and lowers the overall revenue you are bringing in.  However, if your tenants are receiving great customer service from your property management company, the likelihood of them renewing their lease is much greater thereby reducing your vacancies and boosting your revenue.

So, be sure you ask your property management company about how they service the tenants.  As mentioned earlier, an indicator of poor tenant customer service may be the lack of lease renewals and high tenant turnover.  Feel free to contact Real Property Management of the Rockies for any additional information about property management in Larimer and Weld counties.  We would be excited to share with you the advantages of leveraging our property management company.